Pek sevdiğimiz ekiplerden MGMT geçtiğimiz günlerde pandemi gündemine dair bir şarkı kaydedeceklerini duyurmuştu, o parça artık yayında.
“As You Move Through The World (Sen Dünyada Gezinirken)” adlı parça, yedi buçuk dakikalık güzel bir ambient bestesi. İkili parçayı “Evde kalın” mesajı içeren aşağıdaki gönderi ile paylaştı:
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Hey all you COVIDS— oops, we mean KIDS, Since we’re still bummed that we won’t be seeing any of you on tour for the time being, we thought we’d go ahead and release our new track, As You Move Through The World, a little early! Everyone knows we all need a 7 and a half minute downtempo ambient instrumental track to listen to while we’re NOT moving through the world. Beginning at midnight Pacific time, you’ll be able to stream it and purchase the track on Bandcamp too if you want to show us some (contactless) love in these dire times. We’ll also be hawking a limited edition T-shirt, so you can look good while you’re hanging out at home with your cats. For those of you who pre-ordered ITA vinyl, you’ll get a digital download of the new track, and we’re still on track to ship out your vinyl by the end of March, barring any further apocalyptic scenarios. By popular demand, we’re also re-opening sales for the limited edition ITA vinyl and t-shirt. Mexico & Houston we’ll get to you, we promise! We’re actively working on rescheduling those shows and you’ll be hearing from us very soon. You can get the most up-to-date info by signing up for our mailing list. You can find everything you need to listen/buy/sign-up at the link in our bio. Stay healthy everyone, and don’t forget to spritz your mitts! love, MGMT
A post shared by MGMT (@whoismgmt) on Mar 19, 2020 at 8:54pm PDT
Tahmin edebileceğiniz üzere MGMT de turnesini iptal eden ekipler arasında.