Reymour Interview: “Every Lentil Soup”

Brussels-based synthpop/avantpop act Reymour has a new album out called NoLand. We talked to the duo to find out more.

How are you guys?

We are doing very well, thank you!

For those unfamiliar to you, and once more for the Turkish readers, who and what is Reymour and how did you guys come together?

Reymour is a duo composed of Luc Bersier and Lou Savary. We met through partying and discovered a natural chemistry in our way of creating.

Your new album NoLand is out for a while. Let’s go over its creation story, and its significance to you.

NoLand is a project that was shaped during a period of intense creativity. This album evokes themes of searching for identity and wandering, reflecting our own journeys.

Creating this album was a way for us to explore our emotions and share them with our listeners.

There is a quote on art that I love: “Art is never finished, merely abandoned.” This statement implies that art can only be left by its creator to go on a journey of its own and find new meanings in new people. The liner notes on the album where you mention “a tale to be unraveled” sound very in sync with that quote. Would you agree, and how would you comment on all that?

We agree with this quote. Art takes on a life of its own once it is shared. With NoLand, each track can be interpreted differently by our listeners, and we love the idea that they can discover their own meanings in our music.

Can you further comment on the album’s creation process by picking two songs from it, one easiest and one hardest to create?

One of the easiest songs to create was “Hors Série,” which came about quite spontaneously. In contrast, “He’s changing” required more work to capture the emotion we wanted to convey. It was a rewarding but sometimes frustrating process!

Name three fun memories attached to the process.

Every lentil soup.

When we started working with pitched voices and overdrive, it was very burlesque.

The session with Naomie Klaus where we mostly did round trips to the nightshop next door to add a drink to our long discussions.

How did that awesome cover art come about?

The cover of NoLand was created in collaboration with Structure Bâton, two artists who understood our vision. We shared our ideas and the themes of the album, and he translated them into an image that captures the essence of our music. It was also important for us to have a key figuring on the cover.

Name one artist/band you would like to collaborate with one day.

Eater of Planets.

When you check out your streaming platform’s history, what are the last three songs you listened to?

Adèlle Castillon – “Subutex”

“Trout noir (Torchon & Ganj – remix)”

Third Ear Band – “Earth”

Let’s imagine we’re at a Musicians Theme Park 100 years from now, where every artist or band featured has their own memorial stone with a certain lyric by them written on it. Which one of the lyrics would you like to see written on Reymour’s stone?

“J’ai fixé le vide jusqu’à ce qu’il me réponde.”

Anything you’d like to add?

Thank you to everyone who listens to us and supports our music. We hope NoLand finds a special place in your hearts.

You can check out Reymour’s Bandcamp page here.